zinnias and zig zags
zinnias and zig zags

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

book shelf and balloons
book shelf and balloons

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

stage and stegosaurus
stage and stegosaurus

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

yellow light and streamers
yellow light and streamers

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

hands and threads
hands and threads

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

threads and throw
threads and throw

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

bunting and betty cooke
bunting and betty cooke

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

pencils and polka dots
pencils and polka dots

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

confetti and rings
confetti and rings

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

stems and elipses
stems and elipses

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

bobbing and sections
bobbing and sections

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

lucy and canopy
lucy and canopy

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

zinnias and zig zags
book shelf and balloons
stage and stegosaurus
yellow light and streamers
hands and threads
threads and throw
bunting and betty cooke
pencils and polka dots
confetti and rings
 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”
 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”
 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”
stems and elipses
bobbing and sections
lucy and canopy
 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”
 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”
 drugstore photo prints, glue  4” x 4”
zinnias and zig zags

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

book shelf and balloons

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

stage and stegosaurus

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

yellow light and streamers

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

hands and threads

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

threads and throw

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

bunting and betty cooke

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

pencils and polka dots

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

confetti and rings

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

stems and elipses

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

bobbing and sections

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

lucy and canopy

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

drugstore photo prints, glue

4” x 4”

show thumbnails